Wildlife Photography Africa

What’s in your camera bag?

Just ‘cos you’ve got lots of lenses doesn’t mean you have to take them all.
If at all possible, try to take a combination that means you won’t need to constantly be changing lenses. Dust is a massive problem in Africa and every time you change lenses you are opening up both camera and lens to a potential dust invasion.

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tree at sunset

Choosing the right lenses for your safari. Updated

Probably one of the most frequent questions we get asked by clients is “What lenses should I take on safari?”
This question is not limited to first timers either; because the equipment you need to take depends very much on where you are going and what the conditions will be like. Photographing lions on the plains of Masai Mara requires a different approach to photographing gorillas in the rainforests of Congo or Uganda, and photographing birds is very different to photographing elephants.
So how do you make the right selection?

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under a million stars

Covid-19 Entry Requirements for Southern Africa

This is an update for those of you champing at the bit to get back on safari in Southern Africa.We are passionate about these countries and want to keep you updated on the Covid – 19 travel requirements. What do you need to travel? – General Requirements. Covid-19 PCR Certificate – You are required to have a negative Covid –[…]

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porini camps, sundowner

Africa – a great time to go on safari

Great news! After a long period of isolation, most of our favourite destinations in Africa are open for tourism again.Visitors are starting to trickle back to Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa and the reports we’ve been receiving are very encouraging indeed. Safari Covid safe The efforts made by our partners on the ground to ensure that all[…]

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Africa – where can I go on safari?

It’s been several months since we were able to travel freely and, like me, you are probably itching to get back out on safari. But which countries can you visit? The short answer is ‘not many’. The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) currently advises against all international travel, apart from designated safe corridors. There are no African countries that[…]

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elephants on chobe river side, viewed from boat

Back on the Chobe river

It’s been tough not being able to get out on the Chobe river for the past 3 months as 2020 has seen some of the highest water levels in Botswana for many years.So it is not surprising that there’s been great excitement for our friends at Pangolin Photo Safaris as the lockdown starts to ease for local travellers in Botswana[…]

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porini camps, sundowner

Kenya takes positive action

Like make other African countries that depend on revenue from tourism, Kenya has been hit very hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, with many lodges and camps lying empty in what should be their peak season. Aware that travellers will be looking for both reassurances and incentives to start travelling again, and that they will be competing with other safari destinations,[…]

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Muchenje Safari Lodge, Chobe

Muchenje Safari Lodge are putting new protocols in place as Botswana Government slowly relax the rules and they get ready to welcome guests back . Great news on rate for 2021 as well! The lockdown in Botswana is slowly being relaxed.  Both the Government and Muchenje are being extremely cautious as the safety of guests and staff is paramount. All the[…]

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male lion grimacing

Safari Safety with J&M Safaris

Health and Safety Procedures in relation to COVID-19 at J&M Safaris As we all wait for the time when it is safe for us to start travelling again, Covid-19 has added an extra dimension to our planning. With this in mind all our partners in Africa; lodge and transport operators, are taking steps to ensure that when you do go on[…]

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Viewing elephnat on foot, Hwange NP

The Hwange Specialists

Zimbabwe is one of our best loved destinations and for several years Imvelo Safari Lodges have been one of our most reliable partners there. They are specialists in Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe’s largest, and their 4 lodges there offer great safari experiences and amazing value for money. Imvelo are committed to sustaining the community and wildlife through this extraordinary season[…]

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Safari Planning .. book now for great deals in 2021

With international travel all but at a standstill and no clear end to the restrictions in sight, most of us have had to rethink the safari travel plans we had booked for 2020.Some of you may have decided that there is no point making plans for your travel until the pandemic has passed and countries have opened up again but[…]

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