Wildlife Photography Africa

What’s in your camera bag?

Just ‘cos you’ve got lots of lenses doesn’t mean you have to take them all.
If at all possible, try to take a combination that means you won’t need to constantly be changing lenses. Dust is a massive problem in Africa and every time you change lenses you are opening up both camera and lens to a potential dust invasion.

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Dining under the baobabs at Tuli

Tuli Game Reserve

Botswana has a well deserved reputation as one of Africa’s premier safari destinations, yet there are places that rarely get included in regular safari itineraries and some of them are real gems.One of these hidden gems is Northern Tuli Game Reserve. The Tuli Block is a narrow fringe of land at Botswana’s eastern border wedged between Zimbabwe in the north[…]

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wild dogs, okavango delta

5 Rivers – Explore Botswana in Summer

5 Rivers If, like us, you keep your eyes open for the very best deals on African Safaris then this is one you should not miss. The summer rains are a time of plenty in Africa; mammals are fat and healthy and for many species, it is a time to bring their young into the world. The bush is an[…]

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Great Expectations

Great Expectations Running photographic safaris throws up all sorts of challenges but one of the toughest to deal with is client expectations. With so much top quality wildlife photography on view in TV documentaries, online and in glossy magazines, a lot of people arrive for the start of their safari expecting that they will come away with equally spectacular photographs.[…]

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